“Her portraits and paintings have been described as timeless, classical, and elegant.”

Shelley holds a bachelor’s in (child) developmental psychology and linguistics. She went on the obtained a Masters Degree in Speech Pathology. supporting children with autism in develop8ing communication skills for 20 years. When her husband became critically ill, she retired and began to explore photography as a hobby. She soon discovered her true calling and never looked back.

Years later, Shelley is one of Canada’s most accomplished photographers with a long list of Canadian and International awards and accreditations. She holds a Masters of Photographic Arts with the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC) and a Master of Photography with the Professional Photographers of America (PPA).

Shelley owns and operates a portrait studio overlooking Fish Creek Park in SW Calgary. She’s an active member in the photographic community, having served on the board of directors for PPOC and the International Committee for PPA. She mentors professional and up-and-coming photographers and teaches public workshops. Shelley also supports numerous non-profit organisations and charities close to her heart.

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